lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Ashy has left the building

Although somehow it was a slow train coming, it found it hugely disappointing —I’d even say “trostélido”— to learn that Starz was cancelling  “Ash vs. Evil Dead”, which concluded  its third season this Sunday.

From what I´ve read, if “Ash vs. Evil Dead” had been blessed with a fourth season, it would have taken Ashy Slashy to the future. Think sci-fi post-apocalyptic, like “Mad Max” meets “Fallout”, only with… sexy she-robots!

The real disappointment in the cancelation of “Ash vs Evil Dead”, then, isn’t in the way the series has stopped its narration, but in how its cancelation means the show will never capitalize on the potential of the fluid, funny, and consistent storytelling of the series was just now beginning to harness. Season 3 felt like a giant creative leap forward for the series. The story was solid, the season maintained a near-frenetic pace for 10 straight episodes, and there was an admirable emotional through line running through the whole thing with Ash accepting his responsibility as both the Prophesized One and as a father. The two went hand-in-hand all season long, proving not only could the show handle expanding the cast by retro-engineering a family for Ash, but it could make it count for something, too.

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