El contenido literario de este blog está registrado en Safe Creative

El contenido literario de este blog está registrado en Safe Creative
El contenido literario de este blog está registrado en Safe Creative

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

Nino Ortea, Nobel Prize in Literature

Today, the feast of St. Modesto, Come mad is proud to begin promoting the candidacy of renowned for its mouth-Ortea-Nino, the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Inspired by the figure of Cancano Barack Obama-that was enough to announce their intentions to receive the award peacekeeping Norwegian-this blog believes that the stubbornness of the great Nino Ortea boast when as a writer and deserves recognition. We urge the Nobel academy to hurry, before this consumptive give physical being dusted off his game Geypen lab and turn this into Planet of the Apes.

Not only does our writer holding a book-as evidenced by this photo-if not claiming that he has written another. I read, read ... he tends to look at the core posters and illustrations, it argues that a "writer" and not a "reader".

Furthermore, from this institution, we can ensure that-like the African-American, is a good kid and Ninin better person while sharing his love of comics browse and view the television series The Wire.

But while comparisons are odious, there are facts that prove the worth of Mr. Ortea higher than that of Mr. Obama at the time of receiving this award:
Unlike President, this decadent If you have works that support its merit.

What in Barack is a womanly acalzonamiento to the bulkiness in Ninin is a surrender to the female figure.

If Obama is a great orator, is a dirty Ortea chatterbox. In fact, while Nino in darkness and silence makes a lot. If we put Barack in the dark, we will ask you to open your mouth and eyes to know where Nino-to guide us his shining bald head.

In that match both the two is in that conquer when compared to its predecessors. If the figure of George Bush pales before that of Barack Obama, the type of Marrrrzelinor Tipazo is deflated before the Ortea Nino.

For all this, and so we were quiet, and mad is that Ven is proud to begin promoting the candidacy of-renowned for its mouth-Nino Ortea, the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Our struggle will be fierce, and if necessary, we stoop to pick up the soap in the shower, but counting on you!.

Well, more good with your money.

All check-in funds that I sent you turn to catch-Come for crazy, you'll be rewarded with a toast to the health of innocent sender.

Nino Ortea, that man.
Come and go crazy, this blog

If you feel like reading this text in Ninoñol, press HERE

© Nino Ortea. venyenloquece@hotmail.es Gijón. 24/II/10

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